



Boosting Rewatch Sign-Ups with a User-Centered Redesign

Rewatch Sign-Up
Rewatch Sign-Up
Rewatch Sign-Up

Rewatch, a recording and transcription app, aimed to increase sign-up completions and conversions. To achieve this, I spearheaded a comprehensive redesign of the sign-up flow. The new experience strikes a balance between informative content highlighting Rewatch's value proposition and visually appealing elements. This includes offering light and dark themes to cater to a wider range of user preferences. Clarity and guidance towards paid plans were key considerations. Educational content showcasing Rewatch's features and benefits was strategically incorporated. An iterative design process, featuring walkthrough videos and company-wide feedback, ensured the flow was refined and garnered stakeholder buy-in. Early usability testing was facilitated through interactive Figma prototypes, allowing for user feedback before implementation. The final design translated seamlessly across devices with responsive code. My efficient workflow culminated in a successful merge within 4 weeks, demonstrating my ability to collaborate effectively and deliver results within a tight timeframe.

Rewatch Select Channel Screen
Rewatch Select Channel Screen
Rewatch Select Channel Screen
Rewatch Sign Up All Screens
Rewatch Sign Up All Screens
Rewatch Sign Up All Screens