


Ghost Inspector

Ghost Inspector's Brand Evolution

New GI Shirts
New GI Shirts
New GI Shirts

Ghost Inspector, a software company established in 2014, felt their brand identity no longer reflected their evolving values and market positioning. To address this, I was tasked with creating a fresh visual identity. The refresh encompassed a modern and professional logo alongside a cohesive visual language. This extended consistently across the website, social media platforms, and even employee swag. This consistency not only boosted brand recognition and memorability but also fostered a stronger sense of community within Ghost Inspector. The playful ghost icon, a unique touch, added personality to blog illustrations and internal communications, further enhancing their brand storytelling and creating a more engaging narrative.

New Logo
New Logo
New Logo
New GI Business Card
New GI Business Card
New GI Business Card
GI Main Colors
GI Main Colors
GI Main Colors
GI Main Colors
GI Main Colors
GI Main Colors
GI Secondary Colors
GI Secondary Colors
GI Secondary Colors
GI Responsive
GI Responsive
GI Responsive
GI Hoodie
GI Hoodie
GI Hoodie